✈ Bukidnon 2018 — Monastery of the Transfiguration and Panimahawa Ridge (Day Hike)
I'm really pumped up for my 2018 because I just got back from a (literally) breathtaking hiking trip! It's only January but this is already my 2nd outing~ I'm yet to blog about the first one, Alomah's Place in Dahilayan, so wait for ittt
Here's a preview:
Moving on, I'm still the proud pusher for the event this time. Duh! Hahaha and still with me are my ever constant dzais
I've been organizing this for years now... Chos. But srsly, I got a lot of people asking me to go with them (hi, Anna Mari
) but it finally happened when I planned it myself. Hihi

Wait~ Before anything else, I got to drop by the Monastery of the Transfiguration last Saturday! This was random and short but it has been long overdue. I mean, I constantly see it in social media... Hihi at long last

It's smaller than I thought it was, to be honest
I think we were there around 4PM? If I remember correctly...

I wore shorts, which were inappropriate duhhh, so I made use of the sarong we had. But it ruined my OOTD!? Chos
Wear suitable clothing, yall. Don't be like me~ I wanted to go inside even, but I felt the shorts were improper. Hihi

I wanted to stay longer and just chill since it was so serene there but we were left with no choice. Apparently, it's the prayer time for the monks; we needed to clear the area. Anyhoo, it was nice to drop by even for a bit!
Now, going up Panimahawa Ridge was supposed to be on the previous weekend (January 20 or 21) but we had to postpone because of our conflicting scheds. I was already looking forward because I had it penned on my planner but life happens... *shrugs* What's important though is, Panimahawa Ridge: ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!

We set off from the base at almost 4AM after we paid and wrote our names on the waiver form(s). There was also a short briefing about the climb and introduction of the tour guides who'll accompany our big group of 16.
Please note that I'm srsly not athletic. I'm gonna emphasize that because #realtalk
I only do a lot of walking (some dancing) but basically that's my level of activity. So if I was able to do this, you can do it too!

It rained the night before so for the trail to be muddy and slippery was expected. We checked the weather forecast for Sunday even and it said there'd be 90% chance of rain. No wayyy~ Huhu thank God the 10% happened. Hihi but again, the challenge remains with mud + darkness. Anyhoo, we carried on. The first part of the program (lels) was descending, followed by crossing a wooden bridge. You go up again then get to a plain area. It's quite a stretch where you will pass by the Ant Farm and the ritual altar where you offer some coins.
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
Not the peak yet! You'd think we're there but NO. Almost is never enough
hihi the sun was slowly coming out and the view around us was already picturesque, so lalala, photo time~

Would yall look at that!? OMOOO 

My heart just melted seeing this then. It's even melting now. Haha
Pretty and colorful skies are my weakness!

These were before the peak itself. Marleni said the rock here was a popular picture spot. It was a bit scary getting on it because beyond would be the open space that I might fall into, but I find myself braver in rare times like this. Lels
After a short and steep hike, we're up! TOUCHDOWN! Is that appropriate? 

There was no sea of clouds that we anticipated but the sun shone so magically upon us, we couldn't complain. Just snap, snap, snap 

The weight of that bag is no joke. Never again will I fake it. Hahaha we dispersed for personal shots (per usual) and then finally got some group ones. My precious dzais

My shirt says it all. Panimahawa Ridge is the right place to be! What wrong choice did I do though?? Haha
Thank you, Joy (left), for braiding my hair
It's a work of art. Hihi my photos are much prettier with the style like that. Agree? Oh, you can see some clouds but it's just not the sought-after sea. Nonetheless, beautiful!!!

Aww, how I wish this was filled up! I actually wanna go back just to witness it but uhm, next year perhaps? 

I don't even know how many hours we spent picture-taking and everything; basta we eventually settled down to eat our breakfast.
Note the state of our shoes! FEET-MALU!

While eating, these bikers emerged and impressed the hell out of me as they rode downhill. I mean, why am I not as daring!??
I took these for yall to see that there are a lot of other people - some camped out the night before and some who hiked with us with their own groups.
Doing a panorama is easy-peasy with my Fujifilm X-T10

Look here! It's the jacket I bought at the ukay with Marleni~ I resolved to go on a hiking trip after I got it and well, yasss. Done! Except that I really didn't get to use it because I was obviously struggling and sweating so hard and took it off
Thank you to this one for the support!!! I don't know how you handled climbing with your own weight + bag + moi

And to this wonderful bunch, I can't express how glad I am to share this experience with yall! Pero di na ta muusab? LEZZ BEACH! Hahaha
I swear Panimahawa Ridge is exceptional ♡