Aside from pine trees and strawberries, I noticed Baguio is definitely filled with plants, especially flowers. So many different kinds and colors, I couldn't help stopping and snapping. I have a few to share here and I've taken it up a notch by adding in some lines from the KDrama I just finished: Plus Nine Boys.
It's my kind of drama, this one, because it's slice-of-life. Relatable (Though I can't relate for romance part...) And since Kim Youngkwang is one of the main characters~ He's totally my ideal type: tall and manly. Hihi I recommend this one! It only has 14 episodes, so do check it out.

That's why I really like watching these Korean shows because they're so deep, like their stories and dialogues make me think. So many quotable quotes. So I had the idea to put them and my photos together~ I think I'm going to be doing this a lot.
I knew a friend who did change for a girl. It's fascinating... And scary. Because he did not change for the better. Oh, heartbreak.
When will a sincere man come and get me?? Chos. But I totally agree on this one. Sometimes, it doesn't have to be about grand gestures of love. Even a small deed of affection can make my heart swell. I'm into details like that ♡
If you find yourself *touched* or even intrigued with these lines, I really suggest you watch Plus Nine Boys! It's very underrated because actors aren't mainstream ones but you won't regret, swear~