The weather is quite unpleasant these days. There's been a tropical depression (#Auring)... From where I live, it's such a hassle when it's raining a lot. Not to mention, I become lazierrr
I wake up to a dark sky and that just makes me wanna stay in bed all day long~ But weekdays? Gotta be adulting 

In all fairness though, I got inspired to shoot a bit of my room. It's suuuuper messy, so I didn't take photos of everything. I'd like to keep that shame to myself, yeah? Hahaha and I'm starting to appreciate black and white photography! #newbieexplores

In all fairness though, I got inspired to shoot a bit of my room. It's suuuuper messy, so I didn't take photos of everything. I'd like to keep that shame to myself, yeah? Hahaha and I'm starting to appreciate black and white photography! #newbieexplores
I didn't bother to clean this up because I just couldn't be bothered. Well, showing you R E A L I T Y

This area's quite organized. Lels JaDine stuff + Korean picture dictionary + that globe!

Of course, the owner of the room shouldn't be missing! Selca. Selcold. Do you get meee
You don't totally see this jacket I wore but it's a purple-red one and I bought it for 30 pesos at the ukay-ukay~
Hope you survive the cold (or the heat) wherever you are!