Because it's my birthday today (I'm already 24! Heol), I'd say it's the "proper" New Year. Personally, 2016 was challenging. I don't know... It was such a blur, honestly. Looking back, it was such a good balance of work and play but still, I find myself pretty unsettled. Or I think things too much. *shrugs* Anyways, I made a creative throwback of sorts by showing you this timeline of photos of what I did, where I went and who I was with. Through this little project, I actually realized I had a lot of things on my plate. Well, I do strive for more this 2017! To the Lord and to the Universe, please grant me bountiful blessings work-, travel- and relationship-wise for the months and years to come, yeah? South Korea, I'm coming for youuu 

As I said, I kept thinking I didn't do a lot for 2016 but voila! Then again, I'm sure I could've done more~ (Especially that Ilocos trip that got cancelled...

P.S. I have a lot of backlog on posts, especially around the holidays. There's more of my Surigao trip and I even went to Tinago and Mimbalot Falls in Iligan after Christmas! Wait up for them