How's May for yall? Mine is quite exciting because my Thursdays, in particular, were spent joining the Clash of Geeks at Centrio!
Powered by Geek Wars, again, it's during Thursdays at the 3rd Level Bridgeway, from May 4 to June 1 at 7PM - yup, just finished last night. The overall experience was mind-boggling but fun~ Honestly, I want mooore. I'm srsly not the studious type, though people say otherwise because most of my school life, I was usually in the first section. But that fact's a trap! Hahaha anyhoo, I absolutely enjoyed testing my knowledge on anything and everything under the sun. Okay, it was a tad bit frustrating especially when my friends and I didn't know the answers! Well, better let it go and move on (to the next question)!
Powered by Geek Wars, again, it's during Thursdays at the 3rd Level Bridgeway, from May 4 to June 1 at 7PM - yup, just finished last night. The overall experience was mind-boggling but fun~ Honestly, I want mooore. I'm srsly not the studious type, though people say otherwise because most of my school life, I was usually in the first section. But that fact's a trap! Hahaha anyhoo, I absolutely enjoyed testing my knowledge on anything and everything under the sun. Okay, it was a tad bit frustrating especially when my friends and I didn't know the answers! Well, better let it go and move on (to the next question)!
It was of course intimidating since it was all our first time. I've been eyeing this event from last year? I don't know why but I pushed it this time and I'm glad there were some willing to go with me. And it's free, after all. Why not, right!? And it's a great bonding time after work and all that suh-tress~
If you're curious how it goes:
There should be (strictly) maximum of 5 members per group.
If you're curious how it goes:

Safety First had a lot of member changes but we still kept our name from start to finish. I also just realized I was the only one with complete attendance. Talk about commitment!
Categories vary and I'm just relieved my team members have different interests from science, food, showbiz / popular entertainment, music etc. Sure, we don't know everything but at least, we still managed. You can't access the Internet because that's basically cheating. You have to rack every nook and cranny of your brain! Hahaha I remember on the first day though: one Visual set was about Star Wars! Not one of us was a fan so okay... Better luck next time.
Another memorable one was the Pokemon vs Drug game, which we aced because of Abe! Haha if it wasn't for him, we totally wouldn't get that perfect score. What else? Hmm, rounds about local showbiz were pretty easy because hello, no cable!? Lels then again, when it came to Hollywood TV series, we were left helpless

Last night was my fave especially during the Music set because It's Britney, Bitch! We just had to guess the title of her songs playing. I'm proud to say I got most of it but not the recent tracks since I don't follow her much anymore. But I'm very much a fan; yall, bring me to Manila for her concert! Memories

Ooh, I was actually waiting for a Kpop, Kdrama round but to no avail... *shrugs*
So yeah, thank youuu Jan, Craig, Abe, Franie, Irish and Casey for signing up with me! What's funny is we just bumped into Irish in the mall and then we asked her to join because we lack a member. Plus, the team ended up winning two Sponsor sets for Bigby's and Missy Bonbon. Let's celebrate ASAP!

How do I get over this? I've looked forward to my Thursdays with Geek Wars (See what I did there~?) Boohoo. Guess I'll have to head over to Loreto's on Wednesdays? Come join me!!!